The Open Access Team have created a LibGuide and a series of flowchart guides for researchers, administrators and librarians.
Open Access Overview: This guide provides a summary of the open access publishing options and the fees associated with each publishing option.
Open Access Publishing: What to consider (and when): This guide provides an overview of the open access considerations that are relevant at each stage of the publishing process.
Paying for Open Access publishing (accessing the University's block grants): This guide provides a summary of the funding decision process taken by the Open Access Team when determining whether we can pay an APC on behalf of a researcher from the University's block grant(s).
Paying for Open Access publishing (accessing the Institutional Open Access Fund): This guide provides a summary of the funding decision process taken by the Open Access Team when determining whether we can use the institutional open access fund to pay an APC on behalf of a researcher.
Paying for Open Access publishing (accessing a Transitional Deal): This guide provides a summary of the conditions for using one of the University's transitional deals (a.k.a, Read & Publish deals).
Rights Retention: This guide provides an overview of what rights retention is and how to use it.
Symplectic Elements: The Research Information Office have a dedicated Sharepoint where you can find information about using Symplectic Elements. There is also a short introductory video that explains what Symplectic Elements is and how you will need to use it as a Cambridge academic.
Symplectic Elements: There are step by step instructions in this manuscript upload process document.
Uploading your paper: what is the Accepted Manuscript?
Here we provide a visual explanation of where in the publication process the Accepted Manuscript fits, to help you determine whether your paper is the accepted version or not.
We hope that you find these guides useful. If you would like to suggest any further guides, please contact the Open Access Team.